Saturday 25 August 2012

Radical Whaa? # Extra's

we are filming a short horror film this Thursday the 30th in Epping Forest.

Extra's are needed to act (?!) as dead people.
Free drinks at the wrap party.
Come down you Sexy people!
Coz It's gonna be Rad.


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Radical Music # Zulu

Tribal punk taken to the next level!

Zulu are a very interesting band to watch, we have been documenting them these last couple of days and still can't get the ridiculously catchy songs out of our heads.

With the mischievous frontman, the unpredictable shows and the very fast paced songs with little pockets of punk genius there's simply no other band around like them.

Watch and spread the word!

Thursday 28 June 2012

Radical 0 # Best Laid Scemes

We can only apologise for the tumbleweed moment that is currently occurring here at Radical Postures HQ.
We are currently working hard to fund the new and exciting projects soon to be aired on this blog in the next couple of months.
We haven't forgotten you, we just want to shake things up a little

So sit tight
Stay pretty
and remember to check in on the blog sporadically if not often as at this moment of time we are too busy/exhausted to announce


Thursday 7 June 2012

Radical Art # Pac Man & Cohorts

Graffiti overload this month, there's so much I don't have the heart to leave any out!

First of all the ever so popular Pac Man

That awkward moment you walk in on a Godzilla-like Monster eating a pound coin on top of a abandoned warehouse.

I've really got to stop doing that.

Nicely accessorised guys. 

Whoah! Extreme colour usage. I like it. 
Ok you can look away now 
Quick! before it sears your eyeballs, into a slimy gooey mess.

Interesting take 

Cute little fella... posters of him all over Brick Lane.

'nuff said.

Friday 25 May 2012

Radical Art # The Last Tuesday Society

If you've been keeping track of our monthly adventures you might remember a small shop we recently filmed in called The Last Tuesday Society. I purposefully didn't go into to much detail during that interview purely for the fact that after only chatting to Cosmos (the manager) for like two minutes, I knew the shop deserved a whole post dedicated to it's wonderful-ness-sus.
Here's why you should go check it out

What is The Last Tuesday Society?

It was an organisation that is traced back to the mid 19th century and the original Last Tuesday Society was performed by Vivien James. The organisation was based in Harvard University in America and then in turn we reformed it in London in the 21st century. The idea is the same it's where interesting people can come together.

The store recreates the concept of the 16th and 17th century Wunderkabinetts, which were small scale museums and predominantly owned by scholars and noblemen. People like Peter Graves and Charles the Second had their own cabinets of curiosity that they had collected to show off and the scholars had pieces to study. What they were trying to do was to recreate the entire world in one room. This would include items such as religious iconography, natural history and taxidermy to name but few.

Where are your items from?

A lot of the items are from auction houses and from various different travels. Everything is real even if it's fake like the angel mermaid and the angel bunny they're various parts combined. Occasionally people offer items to us, but we have to prove where they came from so that's always a factor that looms when accepting offers. The animals or creatures have to die from natural causes, pest control or for example road kill.

What made you go into Taxidermy?

First and foremost it's my love for the natural history museum and my love for live animals and their beauty.

What is the most popular item in store?

The most popular items would definitely be the crows and also the pigeon's people tend to want pigeons. An average crow costs around £120 so it's kind of affordable it's not too expensive.

Do you get any complaints from animal groups?

It's strange but we don't get people coming into the store that are against what we do, it's quite the reverse actually. When we first opened we thought that they would be banging down the door, but a lot of people are just fascinated by the items and displays. It's curious, I think it's because we are not exploiting the creatures by law we are not allowed to, a cross section of our customers are vegans they admire the animals just as much as we do. We both share the fact that we don't kill animals but like to collect the beautiful creatures to admire them.

Another curious thing is that some customers are fascinated by the morbid and that they are mostly female. We do get a lot of people that say 'eurgh' or people that won't even come through the front door some think it's too horrible and scary. Some go downstairs and start screaming, there are things downstairs that make people scream, apparently.

What is the process of Taxidermy?

The skin is the only part of the animal that's theirs most of the time not event the skull is it's own, it's almost like having a fur coat actually. You treat the skin with preserving chemicals or the skin is tanned. Essentially you have to build a fake frame which is called the mannequin in the shape of the animal, to serve the purpose of filling out the skin. You place the skin around the frame and then you sew it back together again, finally you try to make the animal as life like as possible by carefully fixing the features.

What is the most radical thing you have in store?

The most radical thing I think we own is definitely the elephant bones they cost around £8000, we have shrunken heads that cost around £10,000 and we also have the polar bear which is my personal favourite item. It's hard to choose really.

How do you shrink a head?

You take the skull out first and then you treat the head full of herbs and then you put the head into hot sand for a certain period of time and when you bring it back out it's shrunk.

Who is the most interesting person you've had here?

Gosh well that's a tricky one, one of my favourite is a gentleman called Phillip Hall and he writes books about dandies and whales. Separately of course! I would love to see a dandy whale. He is a well dressed fellow that is fascinated by Moby Dick, he's very interesting to talk to.

You must get a lot of fun characters coming through the door?

Yeah well we do get a lot of Hackney characters, we have some people that think they are time travellers.

Really! like Dr Who?

Yeah, people that think they've travelled through time

Do you just play along?

Yes you just have to humour them be serious and go along with it. And just engage with them

Do they think they are from the past or the future? or do they not acknowledge modern day?

I think he doesn't acknowledge such a thing as the present day. If you travel through time there is no present.

(think Slaughter House 5 meets Back to the Future, based in Hackney. Note to future self: one helluva cool film pitch...)

Do you have any upcoming events?

We have an art gallery exhibition featuring a chap called Sebastian Horsely who was a famous artist, performer and dandy. He died a few years ago, his whole life was a piece of art really everything he did was to draw attention to himself doing the outrageous. He died from outrageous living and wrote a memoir called Dandy of the Underworld that will be on the 16th of June and that's running through to August. We have the Animal Ball on the 15th of June, we have various different events throughout the year.

You can keep up with the events by visiting:

Or visit the shop which is only open on Saturday's.

After the interview we get the opportunity to visit the Little Shop of Horrors located under the shop, the sights are pretty amazing a vast collection of fascinating objects. Suddenly we learn why people ran out screaming, in a box behind a glass cabinet is a box of Russell Brands pubes.
Horror for sure.
Nobody should be subjected to that.


Tuesday 8 May 2012

Radical Music # Slaves

Boy Oh boy are you guys in for a treat! look what I found playing in Brixton,
a little band called Slaves that make the coolest sounds from the minimum amount of instruments.

We were incredibly impressed with the set and the originality of their songs, judging by the live footage we captured and although it wasn't planned we absolutely knew we had to grab Laurie & Isaac for an interview

this is how it went down.


Wednesday 2 May 2012

Radical Films # Terrormisu & The Green Carnation

You might recognise Angel & Josh from previous posts but this interview is for an entirely different purpose altogether.

If you like films & your a fan of the strange, you will Love love love! what this duo do in their spare time.

It takes a special kind of Brilliance to dream up these kind of scenarios and the clever lyrics just add to the absurdity of the mise en scene. Inspired!


Monday 23 April 2012

Radical Music # The Coathangers

It's a little tough to orchestrate an interview with a band through email, it's even tougher when your trying to catch the band before they head off to SXSW.

But I'm determined, The Coathangers are a band I stumbled upon on one of my epic YouTube adventures the ones in which you click on any music video in the vain hope of finding something/anything! that will keep you entertained for the remaining 5 minutes of your lunch break so you don't have to look up & accidently meet a colleagues eye and then have to continue the farce that is fake joy of having to spend yet more time with work-talk! Yaaay!

No? Just me then.

A 'Coathanger' amongst my friends was slang for the girlfriend you saw at the side of a gig holding her boyfriends/friends coat, the one who didn't want to get down and dirty and participate in the show let alone be associated with the act of enjoying herself. Her sole purpose was to be a Human Coathanger & to look on disapproving-ly at those having fun.

I thought it was a pretty cool name for a girl band, turns out there's an alternative meaning for the band name, but I like mine better. If you have crass humour & except explicit content then you will love this band, if you don't walk on walk on buddy! there's nothing here for You to see.
Personal favorite Don't Touch My Shit. (Big Family Syndrome)

First off how did the band name come about?
The band name came about after a road trip to an anti Bush rally in DC about six years ago, we were just throwing around the idea of starting a band up and that was the one that stuck. And yes we do hang our clothes up on coathangers on the regular...

What inspires your music?
Everything really, from past experiences that are serious to dumb ass insider jokes

Do you have a method to the madness that is songwriting?
There is a process, a loose one that but we all write everything from lyrics to actual music. Usually someone will come up with a guitar hook or a drum beat etc. and then we jam it out usually adding lyrics last.

What is the first album /single you bought (truthfully)
First albums bought bought by all the members of the band in no particular order are:
1. Rubber Soul//The Beatles
2. Like a Virgin//Madonna
3. As Bad as I Wanna Be//2LiveCrew
4. Tragic Kingdom//NoDoubt

What bands are you listening to?
New bands we love are The Tough Shits, White Mystery (our tour buddies), eets feets, the Numerators, Habibi, Barrerracudas, Los Headaches, Cosmonaughts.

If you could choose any other genre of music to play as a band what would it be and why?
Probably a surf rock Hip Hop fusion cuz why the heck not?!

What is the most Radical thing you have done?
I went surfing with Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Venice Beach brah!!! Totally Radical!

(My favourite answer to this question so far...not sure if it was real or imagined but I so want to believe it happened.)

The Coathangers are currently touring around America, so no chance of catching them in the UK yet. But, when they do.
Be a pal don't be a Coathanger, is no fun.


Monday 16 April 2012

Radical Art # Needs Must

A little somethin' somethin' we saw on our Sunday walkabouts on Brick Lane.
Can't say we don't spoil you Folks

For you, with love RP.