Monday 13 February 2012

Radical Music #Pulled Apart By Horses

Tom Hudson: Vocals
James Brown: Guitar
Rob Lee: Bass
Lee Vincent: Drums

Latest album: Tough Love

When deadlines loom they really do cast a scary shadow, so when Pulled Apart by Horses accepted our invitation to be interviewed we all let out a Giant sigh of relief.

(We originally had video footage of this interview but had to scrap that idea due to sound quality issues so this interview had to be written in transcript format. Deal with it!)

Picture this Rough Trade East; a small and  intimate venue packed by die hard PABH fans (a couple even supporting the bands logo as tattoo's down the sides of their chests) the majority of them being male and unaware that creating a pit in the middle of a record store is not the most safest activity, no? crowd surfing occurs, naturally and sick is splattered unnaturally. The set comes to an end fans line up in what it seems like an endless queue and we finally get a minute to sit down with James Brown.

No not that James Brown that would be a bit weird, James the guitarist of PABH!
Taz: Ok, so first of all where did you get your band name from?

James: Well Pulled Apart by Horses is taken from a Thom Yorke song called Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses, I’m a big Radiohead geek so I stole it.

T: Thom Yorke was here not long ago handing out fanzines to his fans…

J: I know it’s a shame I’d love to meet him, it’d be so cool. Actually I’m glad I wasn’t there because I would have lost my shiiiit!

T: So talk us through your process of making music?

J: Between the four of us there’s not one writer we all write, we all take part in it and we all have like similar influences like Nirvana,

T: You don’t sound like Nirvana

(Rob the bassist suddenly appears)

J: Yeah I know, Nirvana is the one band that we all like Rob really likes the early nineties stuff

T: What part of the early nineties?

Rob: Like Dinosaur Jr

T: I kind of knew you were going to say that, you look like someone who would listen to Dinosaur Jr like with the long hair, no offense…

(meanwhile Rob is busy smoothing down his hair, laughs all around)

Rob: What? what did you say?

T: Nothing nothing

James: That was priceless!

T: No but it is cool that you like Dinosaur Jr! (obvious backtracking in motion) We were just talking about what inspires you guys...

Rob: Well with this album we were listening to a lot of Hot Snakes, this ones a lot more At The Drive In and a bit more straight up.

T: Are you going on tour do you have any plans?

J: Well we have the new album out so we are doing a 20 day tour with two days off.

T: Ouch

J: Yeah I know its a 10 day Uk tour and then 10 day European straight after and we are back in London playing the Electric Ballroom on the 23rd of Feb.

T: Nice venue

J: Its pretty amazing then we fly out to Brussels and begin the European tour.

T: So do you have anything planned in the two days you have off?

J: Go to the hospital

Rob: Cry

T: medicate yourself maybe? 

J: Call our mothers

(collective rounds of 'Aaaaaw')

T: So  are there any new bands that you are rating?

J: A band called Blacklisters from Leeds they have a new record out in April. They are similar to Jesus Lizard I have been listening to them a lot, I've had a sneaky peek at their new album and they are amazing definitely worth checking out. They're a very good live band, they really go for it, a bit similar to us but they are more underground sounding.

T: As a part time fashion blog we feel obliged to ask you what kind of clothes you guys wear/ feel comfortable in?

J: I don’t really like going to expensive places because clothes get easily ruined especially my jeans they just get ruined on stage, I don’t see the point. I am a bit more practical, I do shop at a store called FLY53 its mainly menswear based in London its like an outlet store…Theres Tim!

(Record Label man lurks at a near by CD stand)

James: Get him in this!

Tim hands James a demo “Oh look this looks like a good tape!” shameless plugging tut tut.

James: (puts on phony voice) Talking about new bands there is one good new band called DZ Deathrays (drops the voice) You should check them out, they are actually quite good, I'm not lying!

T: Will have to now, so what is the most Radical thing you have ever done?

(Children please do no try this at home, note that here at Radical HQ we don’t condone Radical behaviour, we just inactively encourage it)

J: Radical….I think maybe breaking ahhh I shouldn’t say things like this (looks nervously at Tim) Don’t look at me like that!

T: Go on you Have to tell us now

J: We broke into a clothes store

T: To do what?

J: To steal clothes, but it went completely wrong really wrong

Jessica: Was this part of the rioting by any chance?

James: No, nothing like that. But the alarm went off we got stuck inside the building and we had to make a sharp exit…I can’t believe I just said that!

Jessica: Did you have to smash through any windows?

James: No we went through a boarded up panel

Taz: Where you drunk?

James: Oh Yes, yes we were.

Jessica: Where there any cameras?

James: No but it was definitely not  a clever thing to do!

Taz: And lastly why did Tom puke so much?

James: I think it's because... I mean its not nerves its just because he’s moving around quite a lot he’s screaming and he's playing guitar, his guts are just gonna bring up whats in them.

T: He did really good! he puked up a couple of times, shook it off and then carried straight on with the set. All without missing his cue, its quite admirable really.

J: It happens now and again, it used to happen a lot when we first started, because we haven’t played in a while it’s a bit intense that's probably why.

Asma: I think I stepped on some

James: Oh really? I would bin those shoes.

Asma: No way! these are Doc Martens.

James: Oh well in that case. You can get just about anything on Doc Martens... they are invincible!

On that insightful note we leave James and bid the band a fond farewell.
And remember kids: don’t try this at home.
Until next time,
Peace out.

Interview by Taz V, Jessica & Asma Attack

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