Monday 23 April 2012

Radical Music # The Coathangers

It's a little tough to orchestrate an interview with a band through email, it's even tougher when your trying to catch the band before they head off to SXSW.

But I'm determined, The Coathangers are a band I stumbled upon on one of my epic YouTube adventures the ones in which you click on any music video in the vain hope of finding something/anything! that will keep you entertained for the remaining 5 minutes of your lunch break so you don't have to look up & accidently meet a colleagues eye and then have to continue the farce that is fake joy of having to spend yet more time with work-talk! Yaaay!

No? Just me then.

A 'Coathanger' amongst my friends was slang for the girlfriend you saw at the side of a gig holding her boyfriends/friends coat, the one who didn't want to get down and dirty and participate in the show let alone be associated with the act of enjoying herself. Her sole purpose was to be a Human Coathanger & to look on disapproving-ly at those having fun.

I thought it was a pretty cool name for a girl band, turns out there's an alternative meaning for the band name, but I like mine better. If you have crass humour & except explicit content then you will love this band, if you don't walk on walk on buddy! there's nothing here for You to see.
Personal favorite Don't Touch My Shit. (Big Family Syndrome)

First off how did the band name come about?
The band name came about after a road trip to an anti Bush rally in DC about six years ago, we were just throwing around the idea of starting a band up and that was the one that stuck. And yes we do hang our clothes up on coathangers on the regular...

What inspires your music?
Everything really, from past experiences that are serious to dumb ass insider jokes

Do you have a method to the madness that is songwriting?
There is a process, a loose one that but we all write everything from lyrics to actual music. Usually someone will come up with a guitar hook or a drum beat etc. and then we jam it out usually adding lyrics last.

What is the first album /single you bought (truthfully)
First albums bought bought by all the members of the band in no particular order are:
1. Rubber Soul//The Beatles
2. Like a Virgin//Madonna
3. As Bad as I Wanna Be//2LiveCrew
4. Tragic Kingdom//NoDoubt

What bands are you listening to?
New bands we love are The Tough Shits, White Mystery (our tour buddies), eets feets, the Numerators, Habibi, Barrerracudas, Los Headaches, Cosmonaughts.

If you could choose any other genre of music to play as a band what would it be and why?
Probably a surf rock Hip Hop fusion cuz why the heck not?!

What is the most Radical thing you have done?
I went surfing with Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Venice Beach brah!!! Totally Radical!

(My favourite answer to this question so far...not sure if it was real or imagined but I so want to believe it happened.)

The Coathangers are currently touring around America, so no chance of catching them in the UK yet. But, when they do.
Be a pal don't be a Coathanger, is no fun.


Monday 16 April 2012

Radical Art # Needs Must

A little somethin' somethin' we saw on our Sunday walkabouts on Brick Lane.
Can't say we don't spoil you Folks

For you, with love RP.

Friday 13 April 2012

Radical Holidays # Sir Alfred Hitchcock Hotel

Are you struggling to find Time to get out of the city?
Are you finding yourself constantly out of funds?
Are you starting to feel that maybe just maybe, that rather misunderstood character Patrick Bateman was onto something?

Fear not wonderful readers! for we have the most perfect solution.

The Sir Alfred Hitchcock Hotel located in Snaresbrook; east-east East London like Zone 4 London. I wasn't sure if life existed outside of Zone 2 pretty sure I was going to fall off the face of the earth, kind of relieved when we didn't.

It's an ideal destination for those wary of  country people, look we've all seen The Hills have Eyes original and remake, so lets just be sensible about this Holiday malarkey. There are plenty of people milling around, that's a must.

This mansion was originally owned by Sir Hitchcock who was born down the road in Leytonstone, the house was sold when he became an American citizen.
It was then bought up and turned into a hotel.

Now surely I'm not the only one that thinks this is genius?
I was working on a film & as A big fan of his movies, Psycho in particular I thought it was rather poetic to ask the manager if we could use his hotel to base actors and to feed the crew. And he said yes!

The decor is pretty ace..

The food, erm not so good... definitely not Michelin star material.

Throw in the over emphatic hotel owner. Good times on a tight budget fo' sure!

Now then, which way to the nearest shower?

Friday 6 April 2012

Radical Art # Jo Peel

I've always wanted to catch a graffiti artist in action ever since watching, well 'Exit through the Giftshop' lame I know I know! not everyone wants to be Banksy but it's the elusive manner in which they work which makes me want to really grill them on the what, why and where.

I'm walking through Shoreditch at 9am for an interview and stumble upon Jo with her spray cans busy at work. I take tonnes of pictures before approaching her and quickly grabbing her email as I am in a hurry but definitely don't want to pass on the opportunity. Few weeks later and major Excites! she has answered my questions.

How did you get into Graffiti art? 

I got into street art by accident really, I love working outside and on a large scale and I also have a lot of friends who work on walls, it was a natural progression really to take my work from sketch to wall and I enjoy the challenge!

What inspires your art? 

I'm inspired by everything around me. Urban environments totally fascinate me, as they are always changing and say so much about the people who live within them.

What products do you use/work best with?

I tend to stick to spray paint and emulsion or acrylic paints

Do you receive any funding?

No I don't unfortunately, it would be great if there was some funding but no.

Do you exhibit your work?

Yes, I am currently working towards my next solo show in June at the Ben Oakley Gallery. I also exhibit with LAVA collective, Art Republic collective and Nelly Duff amonsgt others.

What is the most Radical piece you have ever produced?

I'm not really sure, the wall at Village Underground in Shoreditch is my most epic project to date. 

(I'm really glad I caught her in action in what is considered her most radical piece)

What is your Ultimate Goal as an artist?

To continue to grow and develop as an artist, to inspire people and challenge myself.

I love the way she has encapsulated London in her graffiti, the cranes, boarded up shops and the skips are objects you see all the time walking around East London with the Olympics happening very soon it seems everything is under construction.

I really wish I had the time to stop and ask Jo more in depth questions as she seemed like a very interesting person, but her being halfway through her project I don't think it was the best time to be asking probing questions and I was running late. So anyway, if you do get the chance take the time to view the wall it's pretty Spectacular!

To learn more about Jo she has a blog she updates regularly