Friday 16 March 2012

Radical Gatherings # Grub Street Revolt

Any Launch party that offers a range of beverages at a reasonable price of £1 a pop, gets our support!
Grub Street Revolt is a new venture by the two Robs & JB, the main criteria is to provide

'a community for writers, artists, photographers, poets, musicians and designers. It brings like minded people together to share and showcase their own creations as well as providing inspiration to those around them.'

pretty neat, right?

The Rag Factory it's a little bit off the beaten track but that just adds to the charm. Located on Brick Lane it consists of a large open space, high ceiling, white tiles and er...people taking drama workshops in the highly visible building opposite?! (smokers, drinkers and the general gaping public don't seem to deter them. Good for them!)

We set up Leigh's posters (see Radical Art # Leigh Wildman) which takes us a good half an hour and involves trying to attach heavy duty masking tape on the back of the posters, without our fingers.
We figured we might need these for Later Life.

Feeling pretty smug with our Beautiful presentation (see above picture, yes? well that's my smug face) we decided to mooch around. This is what we found:

One poetry exhibit by a Robert James Keeping from the handy description under the frames we found out they were extracts from his soon to be released book 'Vicious and other poems' a fascinating read and nicely presented too. Had an urge to pinch the rug. Alas! no I resisted. 

A very pop art like array of collages by a Marie Grataloup she wasn't around to ask permission so I took one sneaky picture, well just the one decent one anyway. 

Next up a Ki Yoong's very finely detailed drawings, at this point I was a little merry so apologies for the shaky looking pictures, superb and lifelike pencil drawings clearly a very talented person! 
I liked the concept of the next exhibit, Vincent Le Chapelain a fashion designer who explores the meaning of cloth and what it symbolises. 
I'm not going to insult your intelligence and pretend to know where he was going with this, because I don't. All I know is the mock suit looked like a piece of cloth with chalk drawings on it.

Next up for entertainment; You and Others Around You an electro post punk band from East London. Not really my cup of tea but the crowd loves them, there's mini flash mobs of dancing that appear as fast as they disappear. They sound amazingly - I want to use the word succinct?
Very Precise about the execution of their songs, there is a lived in feel too. 
Last but not least Oscar Suave, a band that in my eyes can do no wrong
a) because they count Brian Jonestown Massacre as an influence, hell yes Big Brownie Points for good taste
b) one of the members owns what looks like a Vox Phantom Guitar- one of which I can only ever own a replica of (constant lack of funds)
c) do you really need a C?
There is a lot of layering of instruments which gives the band an epic feel, perhaps the keyboardist is a little drowned out? but then the sound system is not exactly the best. All in all the band seem to be enjoying themselves and they have maintained a modern touch/progression to their influences.

This, we could only assume was an art installation. It kind of baffled us for a long time as to why somebody would leave their shoes in the middle of the floor. My guess is it signifies some kind of deep space time continuum-Ok ok I won't insult your intelligence I have no frickin idea! feel free to message us if you have a clue.

Apart from one potentially hairy moment when a guy stood in front of Leigh's posters for a lengthy time, to which I felt compelled to ask which poster he was observing?
'Lou' he states and walks off.
I can only assume he meant the Velvet Underground print? 
Everybody else at the launch is exceptionally friendly and most of the evening is spent playing 'guess the band members in Leigh's print' with people. We manage to sell a Patti Smith print to a young girl with evidently good taste in icons. 

The night is rounded up by a DJ set by Plainview (aka JB) and everybody begins to slowly wander home.
All in all, a very pleasant evening with like minded people.

You can catch the Grub Street Revolt at The Silver Bullet on the 24th of March or better still keep track of more events on:

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