Saturday 31 March 2012

Radical Music # O Children

Tobias O'Kandi- Vocals
Gauthier Ajarrista- Guitarist
Harry James- Bassist
Andrew Sleath- Drummer

Upcoming Album: Apnea -May 28th 2012

There has always been a nagging little voice urging me to check this band out, the name drops in random conversations friends telling us to go watch them; you know the whole 'I think you will really like them' spiel. So it was a no-brainer we should try to pin them down for the blog. We got in touch with the band's creative team fast track a couple of weeks and we are sat down interviewing the lovely fellas.

We came to the show with  the most Open of all minds and are genuinely surprised about how much we really liked the songs. Tobias's voice is extremely soulful and uplifting, there is almost a festival vibe in the room even more so when a girl climbs on to her boyfriends shoulder. The fans are the most diverse group of people I've ever seen in a venue and so we begin to understand the defensive attitude of the band and the reluctance to try and name influences throughout the interview. We can only assume it is because they are wary of being classified under one genre.

What was the influences in making this album?

Tobias: I'm not going to lie the reason why we came together for this album, is because our management told us it was time we made another album. So we were being ordered to. But. Then when as soon as we got it together it just took a life of it's own so influence wise the only thing I can think of are like, my own personal shit  that was going on in my life and wanting to produce my own record.

Harry: We have always had inspiration musically from bands we listen to like Nick Cave-

Taz: Nick Cave is a bit more stripped down compared to you guys

Tobias: We are definitely not stripped down, when we were in the studio we were doing like 13 guitar tracks when we only needed the one that's how not stripped down we are. We throw everything at the track and see what sticks.

What was the process of writing the new material?

Tobias: We make a bunch of demo's, then we take them to a studio rehearsal room and bring it all together.

Taz: Do you own your own equipment? is it analogue, digital or like a Mac...

Tobias: Oh I'm all for digital

Andrew: Basically we do all the demo's using Logic on Toby's Mac and then take it to studio and use the rehearsal studio's equipment to add more instruments.

Tobias: The thing with this record is we did it all on the cheap because we thought maybe if we didn't spend too much money this time, we would have a little more to party with, which we still haven't received yet but hey we are working on that!

Harry: The thing is it certainly doesn't sound cheap at all, it sounds anything but Lo-fi. We used Toby to produce the songs and that's how we found out we saved money.

We have a group of friends that pitch in and do our videos, if the directors somebody you know then there's more chance of us putting ideas across, we get a say and have a bit more creative control. For the album art work we have used the same friend that did our first album to do the second.

(at this point for some unknown reason I decide to embarrass myself, it happens from time to time.)

Taz: You guys have been around for a long time

Tobias: We haven't been around for that long!

Taz: I mean not that long but you know for some time...

Tobias: Were hardly Paul Weller or something

Taz:  I didn't mean to insult I know that your hardly ancient

Harry: Just how old do you think we are?

Taz: Ok I'm just gonna shut up before I dig myself in any deeper

(laughs all around)

Taz: What I meant to say is have you felt any immediate impacts on the band in terms of opportunities opening up to you, because the music industry has been hit hard financially with music piracy etc.

Harry: We were pretty lucky in that the awesome managers we got were just as we were coming together. They heard us, liked what we were doing and they took us on, we were like fuckin' great! We knew from the beginning we were lucky.

Andrew: We've done stuff we never thought we would get the opportunity to do, we hope to do a lot more this time around, we want to start touring a lot more. We want to see the world!

Harry: We are very much aware of our fanbase in Europe and it would be great to go out and play for them more.

What music are you listening to at the moment? 

Tobias: I'm listening to nothing but Hip Hop right now it's weird!

Taz: It has come back around again I think it has something to do with nostalgia

Tobias: No, none of that. New stuff like Kendrick Lamar for an example, not because like all of a sudden 'Oh it's really cool' but because of the way the production is done, the production values they have for something that is so linear and ends up having less money thrown at it than say a guitar band or what a average rock band would, even still right now they blow them out of the fuckin' window.

Why am I going to listen to something where the same sounds are being made for 20 odd years when there are people out there who are being more innovative? It's the kind of stuff I pick up on as a music producer, it entices me it's impressive. 

Are you listening to any new bands? who do you rate highly?

Tobias: Savages, Filthy Boy, Toy, Action Bronson, Wolf Cubs and Peace our label buddies of course.

Who are your Musical Hero's?

Tobias: Josh Homme from Queen of the Stone Ages

Taz: Legend. He's quite a tall feller too.

Tobias: Yeah he is and I aspire to be as ginger, fat and tall as he is.

Gauthier: Ginger?

Tobias: Yeah.

Taz: Hmm Good luck with that! what about you guys?

Harry: I don't really have one anymore, growing up I used to look up to people like Joe Strummer but I don't look up to musicians so much anymore.

Gauthier: I think for me for many years it was Anton Newcombe from Brian Jonestown Massacre

Andrew: I like the classics but I can't really choose one I like Micheal Jackson, maybe Elvis I like Sinatra...

Taz: But if you had to choose the one? Ok if we put it like this if Elvis and Sinatra had a fight who would win?

(Everybody begins to shout out all at once, a cacophony occurs)

Gauthier: Sinatra he's got the Mafia connections!

Harry: You've got no chance if the Mafia get involved.

(duly noted a very Valid point)

Taz: OK so Sinatra is your hero.

Andrew: Well no he's not my hero

Taz: Sorry it's been decided by the group if you can't make choices...

What is your Ultimate Goal as a band?

Tobias: I want to get a Grammy, that is my ultimate goal.

What is the most Radical thing that you have ever done?

(Toby reveals a pretty Rad secret, one in which is so shocking it cannot be repeated. Ever. For fear you might never see him in the same light again, so we are left with the only option but to repeat the second most Radical moment in his life.)

Tobias: I played the Royal Albert Hall, that was pretty radical for me

Taz: Wow that must have been scary!

We are suddenly made aware of the time by Lauren the lady looking after O Children, we wrap up the interview and say our goodbyes. It was definitely fun hanging out with the guys it felt more like a epic chat than a quick Q&A we originally had in mind.

Looking forward to getting a-hold of the album when it hits the shelves, hope you guys are too!

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